Alliance Archaeological Services
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Management Staff

Alliance Archaeological Services is owned and operated by Nikki A. Waters, M.A. Ms. Waters is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of the State University of New York at Oswego in Oswego, New York and earned her M.A. in anthropology from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.  Ms. Waters began her professional career as a cultural resource staff archaeologist at Ball State University where she both participated in and completed numerous archaeological compliance investigations and assisted in several state and federal grant-funded research projects.  Ms. Waters also served as a state and federal review archaeologist for the Indiana State Historic Preservation Office, and as an instructor in introductory archaeology at Ball State University.  She also spent time as the senior staff archaeologist at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, in Fort Wayne, Indiana where she was responsible for all levels of cultural resource management projects in Indiana and Kentucky, as well as assisting on several additional state grant-funded research projects.  Ms. Waters has also been the recipient of two archaeological research grants to continue her post-graduate study of pre-EuroAmerican contact rockshelter use.

Ms. Waters opened the New York office of Alliance Archaeological Services in 2004 and has over 15 years of experience in cultural resource management and instruction.

Alliance Archaeological Services is 100% woman owned and was certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise with the NYSDOT and the NYSUCP in August of 2013.